Welcome at Arie Kraak – Piano Music

It is wonderful to make and create music! I am a pianist who specializes in piano improvisations. It is the basis for my music recordings.

Creating music by just playing the piano and feeling what is coming up is a kind of mysterious and exiting process.


Improvising on the piano is second nature to me. I played many hours on the piano as a child, but often forgot to prepare for my piano lessons, to annoyance of my piano teacher …

I have a preferance for classical music, which reflects in my improvisations . You can explore my music through all main online music streaming services such as Spotify, Deezer, Napster en iTunes (limited songs). Listen to sound clips! I hope you like it!

Live at piano marathon Enschede

This improvisation had to be played within a time limit of 5 minutes …

Live at concert of Cantabile Borne

Improvisation inspired by two children’s songs chosen by the audience …